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2021 Unity Kit  -

The Story

Before our club had a name, we stood together. As we reached heights of glory, we celebrated like only we knew how. As we continue into the future, we write our path as one voice.

Unity binds us, drives us, and is the heart of who we are. So, we protect it. We fight for it - as players, as a club, and as a city.

The Unity Kit is a tribute to our club, supporters, and the city we love. This kit isn’t just for us. It’s for all of us.

Grounded in the promise of Atlanta’s future.

Distinctive, deep red and orange cement our unity just as Georgia Red Clay serves as the common ground on which we all stand.

2021 Unity Kit  -
2021 Unity Kit  -

Loud & Proud.

Each message of unity ripples outward carrying the voice of our city around the globe. The words, “A City United” sit inside the collar – a statement that no matter the outcome on the pitch, we are unbreakable when we stand as one.

Support through it all.

Since our inception, the backbone of this club has been the supporters. The letters “ATL” rest on the back of our kit, representing how this city has always had our back and shone through the darkness.

2021 Unity Kit  -
2021 Unity Kit  -