Below you will find information specific to each one of the Digital platforms we use, both Owned & Operated and Social Media, including image ratio sizes and descriptions.

Used for all primary web images on
Below are the sizes for App graphics as explained by FanReach:

Examples below:


For Twitter, up to four images can be posted in one tweet, and the ratio for each depends on the amount of images used.

When posting four different images in the same tweet that make up one mosaic when seen on the feed. See example below where the four independent images on the left make up the mosaic seen on the tweet to the right, as the Twitter interface grabs the center of each of the four images to display them as if they were one photo on the feed

TikTok is the simplest platform in terms of platform ratios. All videos posted on the platform are uploaded as a 9x16, but a 4x5 ratio should be considered for content to be fully readable on the feed.
YouTube thumbnails are standard in ratio (16x9) but the composition of it matters. The thumbnail is the first thing a user sees when searching for content, or when YouTube recommends them videos. It is the most important aspect of YouTube optimization and they should be 2MB or smaller.
The thumbnail should include, when relevant:
- A person’s face showing an emotion relevant to the video in at least 1/3 of the thumbnail, OR the location that’s relevant to the video
- Text indicating what the video is about that complements the title and description of the video
Examples of good YouTube thumbnails are:

Never choose an auto-generated thumbnail from YouTube, always upload a custom thumbnail.
File Name
Before uploading the video to YouTube, always replace the file name with a relevant keyword. Even though, user can’t see the file name on YouTube, the platform itself can read the video's file name and all the code behind that comes with it when it's uploaded. For example:
- From “022523\ATLvCHI\HLs.mp4” change the file name to something like “atlanta-united-chicago-fire-highlights.mp4”.
- Always include keywords related to your video
- The title must closely match what the viewer is searching for
- Try limiting the title up to 60 characters, so it doesn’t get cut off when users are searching
- Character limit is 1000, however YouTube only displays from 100 to 120 characters of the description in search
- The first line is the most important one of the description and should always include keywords
- Links and CTAs are also encouraged on descriptions
- Descriptions help optimize videos to show up in the suggested videos sidebar
- Tags are not only to inform users searching for the content, but also to inform YouTube itself to understand the content and context of the video
- Tags help YouTube associate a video with similar content
- Each video should have different tags and the most important keywords should always come first
Subtitles and Captions
Subtitles and captions can boost YouTube optimization by highlighting important keywords. They can be added for multiple languages at once, so the user can select their own language.
Cards are used to promote owned videos, and are represented by the “i” on the top right corner of each video. They can be customized and they should be though of as a CTA.
There can be up to five cards on each YouTube video, and there are six different type of cards:
- Channel cards that direct viewers to another channel.
- Donation cards to encourage fundraising on behalf of U.S. nonprofit organizations.
- Fan funding to ask your viewers to help support the creation of your video content.
- Link cards, which direct viewers to an external site, approved crowdfunding platform, or an approved merchandise selling platform.
- Poll cards, which pose a question to viewers and allow them to vote for a response.
- Video or playlist cards, which link to other YouTube content of this kind.
End screens
End screens display similar information as cards but they only show up until a video is over, but they also show the thumbnail of the video being recommended. Make sure to never block content on the original video.
They work on YouTube just like they do on Instagram or Twitter, and they show up right above the video title for easy clicking and discoverability. Keywords or specific club-related terms can be used. Hashtags should always be added to video Descriptions. A good rule of thumb is to not use more than three hashtags
Every video should be included in a relevant Playlist. Playlists themselves must be optimized with specific titles and descriptions that follow the same parameters for videos.
Leaving a comment on a video improves the video’s ability to be ranked by YouTube and can also generate high levels of audience engagement. Comments must be engaging, try using CTAs, and promote conversation and add more value for viewers. A comment can also be pinned to the Comments section to provide more context.
- Make sure each line of text fits on either a single line or extends significantly onto a second line on the Twitter interface, as shown below:
- Links should always be shortened using Hootsuite’s ATLUTD preset
- Always use the Handshake or Paid Partnership label for sponsored content on Facebook or Instagram, respectively. When relevant, tag the partner’s account and hide it with a background color so that’s it’s not completely visible to other users
- Engage with fan tweets and direct fan questions to the appropriate parties
- Always review profiles, likes, tweets, follows before selecting giveaway winners
- Tag players, staff, other teams, and culturally relevant accounts
- Tag MLS and league-affiliated accounts
- Use culturally relevant hashtags
- Tag sponsors visibly in Tweets
- Tag supporters or supporter groups, unless we’re doing an activation or account takeover with them
- Use ATLUTD in copy, only use #ATLUTD
- End a tweet without a period or an emoji
- Use other clubs or partners hashtag
- Tag players, staff, when connotation is negative
Player specific (constantly updated)
- Thiago Almada: Starboy, Guayo, Mago, La Joya, 🤩, 💎
- Brad Guzan: Big Bald Wall, Brick Wall, 🧱🤬
- Brooks Lennon: Mr. Reliable
Referencing Atlanta
When possible, lean on nicknames:
- The A
- The 404
- City in the Forest